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BR246D-20C1-6V-001M | MICROCHIP

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RELAY; M38536/10-001M

Ordering Info

In Stock: 0

MOQ: 1

Lead Time: 19 weeks

Package Quantity: 1

Quantity Cost
1 -
Microchip Country of Origin Statment:
The products of Microchip Technology Inc. might be assembled in any of the following countries: Austria, Germany, Hong Kong, N.T., Indonesia, Israel, Japan, China, Republic of Korea (South Korea), Malaysia, Philippines, Republic of China (Taiwan), Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and the United States. For specific country of origin information you must refer to the country of origin marking on the product, from the shipment carton labeling, and/or from accompanying shipment documentation. Preferential Origin and Tariff Benefits are based on Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). To determine if Microchip product has the potential to be eligible for any particular tariff benefit please use the Microchip Export Data Search Tool to determine the HTS of the Microchip product and compare that against the list of eligible HTS for the specific tariff benefit you are inquiring about. For the vast majority of tariff benefits, Microchip products do not satisfy the specific requirements. If a product is COO China and is a US Section 301 tariffed item, NAC will add a 15% Tariff surcharge at the time of shipment to the order per NAC policy.